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HI France label, find out about our members with the hi France label in September 2022

Are you planning to raise funds? Polymeris is with you!

Since 2010, the French Competitiveness Clusters have been supporting innovative companies in strengthening their equity capital through a national label, the Innovative Company of the Clusters (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the French Association of Competitiveness Clusters, wanted to give a new impetus and strengthen their support to the search for private funding for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France by drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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Salon K 2022 - Our partners at the show

Discover our international partners present at the show

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Meet our members at the K exhibition from 19 to 26 October 2022

On the occasion of the "K", the world's No. 1 exhibition for plastics and rubber with 3,331 exhibitors from 63 countries and 225,000 visitors from 165 countries in 2019. Polymeris will be present on booth D04-16 in the French Pavilion, Hall 5 (materials).
Many of our members will be present at the show, so don't hesitate to meet them on their stands!

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French-Korean Forum and Tech4Good event

POLYMERIS participated in the French-Korean Forum for innovative companies and Tech4Good event in Seoul from September 19 to 23.

At the request of the DGE, Polymeris participated in the French-Korean week held in Seoul from September 19 to 23, which included the 7th French-Korean forum for innovative companies and an event dedicated to technology start-ups Tech4Good 202.

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Launch of the POLREC project

The European project POLREC "Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling" funded by "Euroclusters", of which Polymeris is the coordinator, has started on September 1, 2022.

The objective of the project is double: to enhance the polymer industry’s capacity to reduce the environmental impact of its products while increasing the European strategic autonomy in its supply of raw materials for polymer production.

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Launch of the CircVet project

The new CircVet Project starts!

Plastics are an essential part of our daily lives and they are everywhere, being an important catalyst for the progress of humanity. On the other hand, because of the way they are manufactured and used today, they are also responsible for 80% of marine litter and 26 million tons of waste per year. Furthermore, if we could recycle these materials, manufacture them more efficiently and apply circular business models, there would be a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions. These are just some of the reasons why the European Union has opted for a circular economy. (CE) in the plastics sector a centerpiece of its action plan.

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Meet our members at Micronora

Micronora is the only trade show in France that offers such an exceptional showcase of innovative technologies. It is highly focused on the fields of precision and miniaturization. Polymeris will be present on the stand Hall B1 Aisle 2 Stand 204. Many of our members will also be present. Come and meet them!

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Discover Global Polymers

Polymeris is pleased to launch the first version of the global Polymers marketplace platform to meet the needs of polymers and related products suppliers and solution providers on an international level.

Global Polymers ( aims to be a global marketplace for innovation, networking and business cooperation in the polymer industry.

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