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A look back at JEC World 2025

JEC World 2025 once again brought together the key players in the composites industry, confirming its importance as a key event for innovation and international collaboration. Polymeris was present in two pavilions, alongside Techtera and the IDEALISTE project consortium, and accompanied eight of its members throughout the show.

Rich and dynamic exchanges

The show was punctuated by numerous meetings, notably during networking cocktails organized with members and European partners. These events provided an opportunity to forge links, exchange ideas on projects and open the door to new collaborations. Members and project partners were given the opportunity to present themselves and identify possible synergies.

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A look back at Global Industrie 2025

The 2025 edition of Global Industrie Lyon, held from March 11 to 14, once again confirmed its role as a must-attend event for industry players. With 45,000 visitors, an increase of +20% on the previous edition, and a sharp rise in international visitors (+57%), the event demonstrated its attractiveness and impact on a national and international scale.

A trade show serving reindustrialization and the challenges of tomorrow

Global Industrie unites all industrial sectors around 14 universes, covering the entire value chain. Once again this year, the main themes addressed were the ecological and energy transition, industrial relocation, innovation and Industry 5.0, underlining the commitment of companies to meeting today's challenges.

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LAMI project (Laiton MIm)

The LAMI project was initiated as part of the “Collaborative Projects / Regionalized I-Demo” call for projects, supported by the Burgundy Franche-Comté Region.
The aim of this project is to develop the Metal Injection Molding (MIM) process, with a view to obtaining burr-free injected components with no machining rework (parts ready for finishing operations).
The aim is to extend the process to new, unconventional grades of metal powders.

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EVAPLUS: Study on the recovery of used plastics in healthcare - La librairie ADEME

Discover the results of the EVAPLUS study on the recovery of used plastics in healthcare! Study supported by ADEME, conducted by Alcimed and piloted by Polymeris and ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
An essential component of a wide variety of medical products (syringes, catheters, infusion bags, gloves, gowns, sterile instrument packaging, etc.), plastic is now one of the main materials used in healthcare products. However, as these products are largely single-use, they generate a significant quantity of plastic waste which, at present, is not fully recycled/recovered and often ends up in landfill or incineration.
This raises the question of the recovery of healthcare plastics in France: are there any relevant recovery routes for healthcare plastics in France, or what are the key success factors for forming new ones?

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MASSEBEUF Textiles launches the ORATEX platform

MASSEBEUF Textiles, a major player in milling in the Drôme-Ardèche region, announces the launch of the “ORATEX: from molecule to transformed yarn” platform. This ambitious project, in partnership with the Institut Français du Textile et de l'Habillement (IFTH) and TECHTERA, the textile industry's dedicated competitiveness cluster, aims to strengthen the textile industry in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and consolidate its position on national and international markets. ORATEX, accredited by the POLYMERIS cluster, is financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and the French government as part of the France2030 plan.

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HI France label, find out more about our member who will be awarded the hi France label in April 2024

Are you planning to raise funds? Polymeris can help!

Since 2010, France's competitiveness clusters have been helping innovative companies strengthen their equity capital through a national label, the Entreprise Innovante des Pôles (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité, have decided to give a new impetus and strengthen their support for the search for private financing for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France, drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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Polymeris joins the "Team France Filière Industrie du Futur".

Global Industrie 2024: Launch of the "Team France Filière Industrie du Futur": Polymeris is fully committed to promoting the dynamism of French industry internationally.
Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in charge of Industry and Energy, Franck Riester, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, the French-speaking World and the French Abroad, and Laurent Saint-Martin, Managing Director of Business France, officially launched the "Team France Filière Industrie du Futur".

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Demonstrator of a Thermoplastic Composite Aeronautical Structure: Closure of the HAICoPAS Collaborative Project

Hexcel and Arkema bring to fruition the first thermoplastic composite aeronautical structure.
Thanks to a strategic partnership between Hexcel and Arkema, the first high-performance thermoplastic composite aerospace structure will be on display at JEC 2024. The demonstrator was designed and manufactured using Hexply® thermoplastic tapes. These aeronautical structural materials are developed from Arkema's PEKK Kepstan® resin and Hexcel's Hextow® AS7 and IM7 carbon fibers.

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