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New projects labelled by Polymeris and funded

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R&D Booster - Call for proposals open until September 15, 2022

R&D Booster: Financing the validation and prototyping stages of my collaborative R&D projects
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is launching a new call for projects Booster 2022.
This call for projects aims to promote public-private R&D projects to develop new products, processes or services. In concrete terms, this means optimizing all the functions of a product, service or process, estimating the impact and acceptability of the innovation and identifying collateral applications.

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Presentation of France 2030 by Polymeris

On July 19th, Polymeris organized a webinar in collaboration with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and BPI France on the France 2030 plan. If you were unable to attend, we offer you a summary below. The replay of this webinar is also available to all our members on our platform MyPolymeris.
Following the commitments of PIA 4, France 2030, with a budget of 54 billion euros, was initiated in 2021 by the President of the Republic. Its objectives are to help decarbonization and the emergence of new players.

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POLYMERIS was present at IndTech 2022

IndTech 2022 is a flagship event on the European agenda, organized every two years by the European Commission in one of the countries holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Part of Horizon Europe's Cluster 4 "Digital, Industry and Space" program, this event mobilizes key European and global players on the theme of tomorrow's industrial technologies.

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The Perform'Industrie Centre-Val de Loire program has been extended until the end of 2023

The program, which has already helped 90 SMEs or ETIs in the region to improve their industrial performance, aims to help 180 companies by the end of 2023.
Bourges, Supported by Cetim, a Carnot-accredited technological institute, the Perform'Industrie Centre Val de Loire support program has been extended until the end of 2023. 90 SMEs and ETIs in the region can still benefit. This program offers to support them to improve their industrial performance whatever their level of maturity and their weapons in the face of economic, technological, organizational, environmental and societal challenges of today and tomorrow.

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Launch of the PLASTICE project

Integrating plastic waste in the circular economy: new project PLASTICE kicks off

Today, only 20% of plastic is recycled but a new EU-funded project – PLASTICE – hopes to improve this figure by introducing valorisation processes aligned with the latest chemical recycling technologies.

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A-RING Newsletter N°3

With this third edition of the A-RING newsletter, we are pleased to share with you the highlights of the final event of the project in public, held at the University of Milan on May 31, 2022. The project partners had the opportunity to present the results of the in-depth work carried out over the last three years, while the main stakeholders of the Alpine Space had the chance to discuss together the past and future perspectives of the Intelligent Specialization (S3) Strategies (Research & Innovation) and to explore the possibility to join their efforts for the development of a shared R&I Agenda for the Alpine Space macro-region.

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POLYMERIS - Feedback on the collective mission in Spain

POLYMERIS, ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine and EEN have organized a business mission in Spain, in the Basque Country and Navarre on May 31st and June 1st 2022. Within the framework of this mission, we took 4 actors of innovation from New Aquitaine to discover Spanish companies and technical centers. The objective of this mission was to initiate R&D collaborations and to identify technological opportunities in polymer and composite materials. B2B and company visits were proposed.

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