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Find out more about: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Innovation Partnership scheme

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is launching its Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Innovation Partnerships scheme. Its main aim is to support the competitiveness of regional companies through short-term innovation projects, carried out by mobilizing the skills of a regional research and innovation organization, and aimed at developing a new product, service or process that meets the company's needs or challenges.

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POLYTRONICS Annual General Meeting

On Tuesday June 13, we were lucky enough to be able to organize the 6-month meeting of our EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) POLYTRONICS. We began with a progress report from all the members of the consortium, followed by a series of workshops designed to help companies make the most of their digital transformation.
As a reminder, the aim of Polytronics is to support polymer materials companies (plastics, textiles, composites and rubbers) in their digital transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

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Launch of the PEPR "Recycling, recyclability and reuse of materials" program

Spearheaded by the CNRS and financed to the tune of €40m over six years by France 2030, the PEPR (Programme et Equipements Prioritaires de Recherche) "Recycling, recyclability and reuse of materials" is designed to meet the ecological, economic and technological challenges involved in the transition to a competitive, environmentally-friendly circular economy.

The launch event provided an opportunity to present the five targeted research projects focusing on each family of materials (plastics, composites, textiles, strategic metals and paper/cardboard), as well as five cross-functional research projects focusing on batteries, new energy technologies, electrical and electronic waste, household waste (excluding compost) and the reuse and recycling society.

Economic, regulatory, standardization, territorial and political issues are also addressed by this PEPR. It therefore concerns all economic sectors and is accompanied by the mobilization of unprecedented resources in terms of scientific disciplines, covering the sciences of matter, physics, engineering, earth and life sciences, and socio-economic and political sciences.

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Polymeris sets up in the Clermont-Ferrand ecosystem

As part of its new development strategy, Polymeris has opened a new office in Clermont-Ferrand. The new offices are located in Hall 32 of the Campus des Métiers et Qualifications autour de l'Industrie in the heart of the Cataroux park. A new innovation officer joined the cluster in early May.

This new location in the Parc Cataroux will enable Polymeris to be as close as possible to the Clermont-Ferrand ecosystem, its local members and in particular IPC, academics such as the Institut de Chimie, the Université de Clermont Auvergne and the CNEP. The Park was born out of Michelin's desire to continue developing its historic site in the heart of Clermont Ferrand. Conceived and realized with public and private players, educational organizations, entrepreneurs, multinationals, SMEs and startups, as well as representatives of civil society, the Parc Cataroux aims to be a collective response to the technological and economic challenges of today and tomorrow.

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Find out more about: Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU)

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), which funds projects to promote competitive circular bio-based industries as part of Horizon Europe, the European Union's research and innovation program.

This European funding program builds on the success of its predecessor, BBI-JU. Since 2014, this €3.7 billion partnership between the European Union and BIC has supported Europe's biobased industries. For every euro of public money, 2.8 euros of private investment have been generated.

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Event June 28, 2023 - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Region of engineers and technicians

The Region is organizing an event dedicated to bringing together companies and engineering and technical training establishments, in order to create and accelerate dynamics, drive new partnerships and mobilize stakeholders to act more effectively for our industries and territories.

Throughout the day, participants will be able to visit the stands of local schools and universities to find out more about their training offerings and their initiatives with companies, with over twenty of the region's engineering schools, IUTs and universities represented.

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Study on the recycling and recovery of plastic waste from Health

Polymeris, in partnership with ADI-NA, will launch a study on the recycling and recovery of plastic waste from the healthcare sector as part of the ORMAT call for projects, for which the next submission date is June 1.
This study is based on two observations. The first one, carried by many actors in the field of health in France, indicates that this sector is a very large consumer of plastic material (secondary/primary packaging, consumables, medical devices).
However, at the present time, at the end of its life, this material is not fully recycled/valued, despite the fact that it has a grade with a high purity and a recognized traceability.
On the other hand, plastics producers will have to increase their incorporation rates of recycled materials in the coming years for regulatory reasons or in response to market demand, including in the healthcare sector.

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The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region supports the manufacturing industry

Cetim, a consortium of partners including POLYMERIS and the Region launch a program to support companies towards a sustainable and efficient industry.
Gain in competitiveness and decarbonize its activities and products! Cetim, the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region and a consortium of partners* launch a program to support the region's manufacturers towards a sustainable and efficient industry. The program responds to two major challenges for the industry: competitiveness and decarbonization of industrial activities and products to contribute to carbon neutrality in 2050.

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