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PLAIRE works on high-performance recycled plastics

A regional consortium has just received a grant from France 2030 to develop new materials based on recycled plastics.
Labelled Techtera - Polymeris, the PLAIRE multi-partner project has just received 990,000 euros from France 2030. The consortium comprises four entities from the Aurhalp region. The project initiator is Cycl-Add (Maillat / Ain), an SME founded in 2016, which markets recycled plastics (mainly polypropylene and polyamide) using a process that supplies 100% recycled materials, including additives. The company is supported by a parent company, CRE-ADD, which includes a design office (Creastuce). Cycl-Add has in-house skills in eco-design and life-cycle analysis.

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Successful mission in Japan: Polymeris explores new opportunities

From March 11 to 15, 2024, a Polymeris delegation travelled to Japan for a trade mission rich in discoveries and encounters. With the participation of Jean Jacques Legat, Polymeris Innovation Director, the mission explored new avenues of collaboration and strengthened ties with Japanese partners.
The mission was organized by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, in partnership with Auvergne-Rhôle-Alpes entreprieses, Business France, BPI and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and also benefited from the participation of two Polymeris members: Microlight 3D, represented by Denis Barbier, and Addiplast, represented by Maxime Chantegraille.

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Launch of the European IDEALIST project

Europe's Industrial Sectors Unite in Groundbreaking Initiative: Project IDEALIST Aims to Strengthen SME Resilience and Technological Adoption

In an unprecedented collaboration, a consortium of 14 partners from across 7 European countries have come together to launch the IDEALIST project, under the auspices of Horizon Europe, the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation.

This ambitious initiative seeks to address the urgent challenges faced by SMEs in the Energy-Intensive Industries, Aerospace & Defence, and Mobility, Transport, & Automotive sectors, promoting resilience, sustainable practices, and advanced technological adoption in the face of global disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts.

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Back to : Hackathon "Reinventing our packaging

Hackathon "Reinventing our packaging", held on November 24, 2023 at ESEPAC
On November 24, 2023, Polymeris organized a hackathon at the École Supérieure Européenne de Packaging (ESEPAC). One of the aims of the hackathon was to raise awareness among students of the issues and challenges facing packaging manufacturers, and to provide opportunities for collaboration and networking between students, manufacturers, competitiveness clusters and technical centers.

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CIRCVET: Entreprendre, tout savoir pour passer toutes les épreuves - Call for expressions of interest

Polymeris offers you a free short online training course on the principles of entrepreneurship. This course has been developed as part of a European project (CIRCVET) involving 12 partners, with the aim of providing the most comprehensive training possible on the circular economy.
Proposing a new product or service is an often rocky road, and the context of the circular economy, with which all manufacturers are confronted, requires us to rethink current business models. This module on entrepreneurship takes a comprehensive look at the fundamental principles of an innovation approach, so that in just a few hours you'll acquire the basics you need to get started in this process.

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Cradle-ALP: Online workshops on textile circularity in Europe

As part of the European Interreg Cradle-ALP project, the partners are organizing a series of online workshops on the circular transformation of the Textile industry in the European Alpine Space (France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Northern Italy and Switzerland), focusing on technical textiles.
This series of workshops will bring together companies, academics and public players to delve deeper into the crucial issues and drivers that will contribute to the transformation of the technical textiles industry in the Alpine region. The aim is to work together to establish a transformation roadmap to encourage sustainable and circular production of textiles, and to support the industry in adopting circular economy models.

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ZEvRA Project Embarks on a Groundbreaking Journey towards Zero Emission Road Transport

The European Commission's commitment to circularity in automotive

In line with the European Commission's aim to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2035, ZEvRA, a research initiative funded under Horizon Europe, has officially commenced its mission to revolutionise the circularity of light-duty Electric Vehicles (EVs). With 28 partners from 13 countries, the consortium seeks to reshape the entire EV value chain from raw materials to end-of-life processes.

Running from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026, the project boasts €11.4 million in grant funding, including support from Northumbria University, UK. The collaborative effort, led by 28 partners, targets sustainability improvements in materials, production processes, and end-of-life considerations for EVs.

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Discover the 25 polymer waste recycling projects funded by POLREC

The first call for projects launched as part of the European POLREC project coordinated by Polymeris rewarded 25 polymer waste recycling projects led by European SMEs, including 9 from France. The aim of the call was to fund new, innovative polymer recycling processes, with a total budget of €660,00.
Of the 25 projects rewarded, 13 focused on mechanical recycling, 8 on chemical recycling and 4 on digitization. Find out more about the funded projects and their ambitions below:

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