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GUATECS, labelled hi France in March 2022

Since 2010, the French Competitiveness Clusters have been helping innovative companies strengthen their equity capital through a national label, the Innovative Company of the Clusters (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the French Association of Competitiveness Clusters, wanted to give a new impetus and strengthen their support to the search for private funding for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France by drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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Focus - Polymeris in Saudi Arabia

Jessym DJEBBAR joined Polymeris in November 2021 as a V.I.E Project Manager in the Middle East. He is based in Saudi Arabia in order to promote the cluster's international and inter-clustering activities, especially in the continuity of the good relations developed with Saudi-Aramco, initiated during the joint organization of a Symposium in Lyon in 2019.

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Meet our members at the FIP show from April 5 to 9

A flagship event and reference for the entire profession, it brings together all the players to promote the performance of a high-tech, competitive and responsible plastics industry with more than 10,000 visitors and 800 exhibitors, including many members of the cluster!

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#2 Technical and Strategic Newsletter on Plastic Recycling

The POLYMERIS and AXELERA competitiveness clusters offer you their second technical and strategic watch bulletin dedicated to plastics recycling.
This quarterly document is part of a collaborative mission between these two clusters to promote synergies between waste management actors, chemists and plastics manufacturers. This mission is supported by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region as part of the Voluntary Agreement on the Circular Economy of the plastics industry.

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The competitiveness clusters need you!

Are you a startup, SME, academic organization or a large group that works daily for innovation? Mobilize to support the competitiveness clusters by signing our platform of proposals for the presidential election candidates.
The platform "9 proposals to the attention of the presidential candidates for the reindustrialization and sovereignty of France" will be proposed to the main candidates.

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Exchanges between Polymeris, Elastotech, Cycl-add and Olga GIVERNET

The Ain, France's leading industrial department, is renowned for its expertise in plastics, rubber and polymer manufacturing. The region has a dense network of highly qualified SMEs that are always looking for innovation and competitiveness.

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ELCA has just released its 1st video!

Learn how ELCA aims to strengthen the cooperation between the experts in lightweight materials in strategic industries to increase efficiency and environmental sustainability. Hear from a selection of ELCA partners to learn the value of the ELCA network.

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Public Consultation: The future of the Competitiveness Clusters Policy

Régions de France is launching an online public consultation on the future of the competitiveness cluster policy. All stakeholders will be given the opportunity to define the post-2022 contours of the policy and to reflect on the changes needed to meet the transition and new needs of cluster "users. This is the purpose of this public consultation, which is open until March 7.

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