Reduction, Repair, Reuse and Recycling: what future for composites at the end of their life?
The R4 Composites event is organized by the three competitiveness clusters Aerospace Valley, Polymeris, TEAM2 and the event organizer ABE (Advanced Business Events). This new national event will bring together players in the value chain to develop a circular economy for composites. It will be held on March 7, 2023, at the Cité Mondiale in Bordeaux.
Composites in the spotlight!
According to the Guide du Recyclage et de l'Eco-conception des Composites (
GREC), 50% of composite waste is generated during production and 50% at the end of its life. Industrialists are therefore keen to minimize their impact on the entire life cycle of products by reducing the volumes used, promoting repair, reuse and recycling of composites.
Faced with these challenges, it is essential to rethink the entire value chain of composites, and it is with this in mind that the competitiveness clusters have collaborated to launch a new national meeting for the development of a circular economy of composites.
This first edition is launched in partnership with ACD Nouvelle Aquitaine, the French Aeronautics and Astronautics Association (3AF), the Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites (IPC) and EMC2. This multi-sector event will highlight the aeronautical, nautical and wind energy sectors in terms of their environmental, economic, regulatory and organizational challenges. Projects and solutions related to the Reduction, Repair, Reuse and Recycling of composites will be highlighted.
Personalized business meetings
In parallel to the program of conferences and technical pitches, participants will be able to meet during 20-minute "speed meetings" thanks to a personalized schedule of pre-programmed BtoB meetings. They will be able to meet players from the entire value chain, such as marketers, processors, end-users, collectors and recyclers, in order to best meet their needs and/or projects.
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About Aerospace Valley
Aerospace Valley is Europe's leading aerospace competitiveness cluster, the only community in the world that brings together all the players in the value chain in all segments of the aeronautics and space industry, in the Occitania and New Aquitaine regions.
Serving the strategic sectors of Aeronautics, Space and Drones, and thanks to its 5 Ecosystems of Excellence - Embedded and Communicating Systems; Structures, Materials and Processes; Propulsion and Embedded Energy; Data Economy and Artificial Intelligence; Solutions for the Factory of the Future - Aerospace Valley is the driving force behind a supportive, competitive and attractive ecosystem aiming to foster innovation for growth.
Ranked in the top three of the world's competitive clusters for the performance of its cooperative R&D projects (739 of which have been financed since the cluster was created in 2005, for a total of €1.7 billion invested and €712 million in public aid), Aerospace Valley's mission is to lead a dynamic network of international renown, made up of more than 860 members (companies, research laboratories, training establishments, universities and Grandes Ecoles, local authorities, and economic development structures), including 600 SMEs.
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About Polymeris
Polymeris is the only competitive cluster dedicated to rubber, plastics and composites. It relies on 15 years of expertise and experience in supporting companies, with a deep knowledge of tomorrow's techniques and markets. Polymeris works for all manufacturers to develop new R&D projects, encourage and promote innovation and focuses its roadmap on 3 main strategic areas: the circular economy, the industry of the future and advanced materials. As a benchmark for innovation, we work at regional, national and international levels to promote a dynamic and innovative industry, supporting the emergence and sustainability of stronger, more integrated ecosystems between public and private players. With a network of 400 members, including 295 industrialists, and an ecosystem of 65 partner organizations in research, training, laboratories and industrial technical centers (CTI).
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About TEAM2
Since its creation, TEAM2 has positioned itself as a national innovation cluster dedicated to the circular economy. Based on a multidisciplinary network, the cluster promotes optimized resource management (metals, organics, minerals, recycling engineering), the emergence of new economic models, social cohesion, and the implementation of innovative loops of sustainable circular economy for decarbonation and sustainable development.
Based in the Hauts-de-France region, TEAM2 is fully committed to the regional dynamics of the Third Industrial Revolution (Rev3), which aims to make the region one of the most advanced in Europe in terms of energy transition and digital technologies.
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