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Back to : Hyvolution Paris, the European meeting place for the hydrogen industry

Hyvolution, the exhibition for hydrogen experts...
The development of carbon-free hydrogen meets environmental, technological and economic challenges. It is time to accelerate the ecological transition, to reduce our dependence on imported hydrocarbons and to develop our technological assets.
Hyvolution, a leading trade show in full expansion, plays a role in accelerating, connecting and creating opportunities for new partnerships around the 3 target markets: mobility, energy and industry
On this occasion, POLYMERIS was delighted to join DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire in bringing a regional delegation of 11 companies to the show. The S2E2 cluster was also present as a partner of the event.

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Survey for the plastics recycling and plastics processing industries

You are a plastics recycling/plastics industry using raw materials from recycled plastic waste? You wish to set up new recycling processes for your plastic waste? Are you experiencing difficulties in obtaining raw materials from recycled plastics?

In the framework of the European project POLREC, we need your feedback on your activity, the difficulties you encounter and your needs. To do so, do not hesitate to answer the following questionnaire (10 minutes).

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Launch of the European Bio-Uptake project

The European project Bio-Uptake "Bio composites in smart plastic transformation processes to pave the way for the large-scale uptake of sustainable bio-based products” funded by Horizon Europe, has started on December 1st, 2022.

Bio-based materials, due to their intrinsic nature, have demonstrated that they can be adequate candidates, with a performance good enough, to replace petroleum derivates´ in various application areas. However, due to differences in physical and thermochemical properties, a direct replacement of the current material with newly developed bio-based is often a mistake. To reach the full potential of bio-based materials, product eco-design is essential. The novel approach on which Bio-Uptake project relies is based on modularity or pre-fabrication: the development of high-tech bio-based intermediate formats.

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Polymeris reorganizes for the start of phase v of the competitiveness clusters

The labeling of competitiveness clusters reaches a turning point at the beginning of this year with the launch of phase V of the national policy supported by the State and the Regions since 2005. Polymeris has built an ambitious roadmap for this future 4-year phase (2023-2026) and is launching a new organization to achieve the associated goals.

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Launch of the European project ECOLE

The ECOLE Project starts!
The new Interreg Alpine Space project ECOLE aims to accelerate the transition to more resource efficient and circular industries in the Alpine region by establishing an integrated model of Ecological Industrial Parks (EIPs) applying the principles of the Circular Economy (CE) not only to the product value chain, but also to the supporting functions. ECOLE will thus enable the Alpine industry to be more competitive and sustainable in the international market, making it more resilient to crises and closer to its territory.

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EDIH4Manu International Launch Conference

Polymeris participated on January 24, 2023 in the international launch conference of the EDIH4Manu network organized by MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0 in Milan. A network of 25 EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hub) coordinated by MADE Competence Center i4.0, EDIH4Manu gathers EDIHs from the most competitive European regions and represents more than 30% of the value-added of European manufacturing industries.

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Launch of the European project Cradle-Alp

Polymeris is a partner of the European Interreg Alpin Space project: Cradle Alp. Launched in November 2022 for a period of 3 years, this project aims to disseminate and raise awareness of the "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) circular economy approach among economic and political actors in the Alpine region.

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European project AMULET : The winners of the 1st Open call and opening of the 2nd call

The first open call made it possible to finance 24 consortia of up to 3 SMEs with lightweighting projects in the construction, aerospace, energy and automotive sectors.

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