
  • Regions >
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Your competitiveness cluster in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is the major region in which the cluster is based and operates, with a strong economy dedicated to chemistry and materials on an international scale and considerable potential for project development.

With its chemical and plastics valleys, it is also France's leading rubber-producing region in terms of workforce, thanks to the presence of the world's leading tire manufacturer Michelin, the only CAC 40 company to have its headquarters in the region. The cluster is in line with the regional guidelines for the industry of the future and is part of the network of 13 regional clusters with which it collaborates.

Resources and means


head office



Strategic partners

Industry partners:
  • IPC
  • Polyvia
Regional partners:

Universités Lyon St Etienne, Grenoble-Alpes, Clermont-Auvergne
CEA Tech, AxelOne, Itech, PlastiCampus, LPSE, CTCPA…
Techtera, Minalogic, Axelera, Cimes…

Funding partners:

Regional targets 2020-2025

Rubber, Plastics & Composites Ecosystem



by 2025

Innovation Project Reactor



new projects
each year

European and international visibility



new actions
and projects each year

Innovation Project Reactor


Intercluster actions within the framework of regional strategic domains and  intercluster regional working groups
(industry of the future, composites, circular economy)

Key figures


Members by the end of 2023


Projects financed
over 2020–2023


Rubber industry companies



Plasturgy and composite industry companies


The news

Back to : POLLUTEC 2023 - Interclustering missions and events

At Pollutec 2023, Polymeris took part in several workshops and events dedicated to European projects and exchanges with European clusters to represent its members on issues related to waste and resource management and the plastics circular economy.

October 10th 2023
European & international French-speaking meeting

In collaboration with Walloon partners AWEX, WBI, NCP Wallonia, Mecatech and the H2O cluster, French partners Axelera, Polymeris and France Water Team, Quebec partner Québec International & Luxembourg partners LUXInnovation, LIST and CCI Luxembourg, On October 10, the GreenWin cluster organized a working and networking session to present European opportunities and foster new collaborations within European projects in the Waste/Resources and Air Quality & Water themes. Companies were able to pitch their expertise and projects in the pipeline. Polymeris also presented the POLREC project and its currently open calls for cascade funding.

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Polymeris launches monthly meetings in Clermont-Ferrand

We look forward to seeing you at the first edition of the Clermont-Ferrand Monthly Meetings!

At this meeting, we presented the principles and objectives of this format, our services aimed at boosting your visibility, cluster news (events, new members) and current calls for projects.

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Polymeris launches monthly Plastics Valley meetings

Many of you joined us for this first edition of the Plastics Valley Monthly Meetings (RMPV). Thank you once again for your participation!
During this meeting, we were able to present the principles and objectives of this format, our services aimed at boosting your visibility, cluster news (events, new members) and current calls for projects. You'll find the presentation attached to this post.

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Find out more about: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Innovation Partnership scheme

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is launching its Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Innovation Partnerships scheme. Its main aim is to support the competitiveness of regional companies through short-term innovation projects, carried out by mobilizing the skills of a regional research and innovation organization, and aimed at developing a new product, service or process that meets the company's needs or challenges.

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Upcoming events

Find all our upcoming events by theme

Technical days


International congresses

Collective missions


Partners events

Scientific Day: Formulations and Specific Loads

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Past events

The Clermont innovation week is an event imagined, designed and animated for all those who make the metropolis a territory of innovations.

Polymeris to exhibit at France's premier industry trade show

Participate in virtual networking events to meet future European partners

All committed to the integration of mpr

Addresses and contacts

Maison des entreprises

180 rue Pierre et Marie Curie

Sophie DUEZ

+33 (0)6 76 59 80 96

Laurence MERCIER

+33(0)4 74 12 19 23

Campus Région du Numérique

78 route de Paris
69260 Charbonnières-les-Bains

Jean-Jacques LEGAT
+33 (0)6 88 39 54 07

+33 (0)6 31 31 04 50

+33 (0)6 48 18 88 76

Annabelle SION
+33 (0)6 33 70 06 74

Plastic Velay

13, rue de la Grand Croix
43600 Les Villettes

13, rue de la Grand Croix
43600 Les Villettes
+33 (0)6 30 50 20 15

Hall 32

32 rue du Clos Four
63100 Clermont-Ferrand

Adrien SIMON

+33 (0)6 07 08 66 07

Bureau Lyon 8e

1 Boulevard Edmond Michelet
69008 Lyon

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