Event type
Strategic area
R4 Composites 2024
The Composites Circular Economy Rendezvous
S3 Congress
5th European Congress on Eco-plasturgy and sustainable, intelligent and safe plastic materials
R4 Composites
The meeting of the circular economy of composites
K 2022 with Polymeris
The world's n°1 trade fair for plastics and rubber
Plastic Recycling Conference
Revalorisation of plastic waste, mechanical recycling, chemical recycling,...
Axelera Technical Day
Experimental characterization of materials and products: from routine analysis to advanced techniques
The tools of the circular economy in the Aura region - Garden and furniture
Polyvia Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Polymeris, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and ADEME have signed a voluntary agreement in favor of the Circular Economy.