The past events

Polymeris and Polyvia will be monitoring the PLAST trade show taking place in Milan from September 5 to 7, 2023.

In partnership with POLYMERIS, Max Dubois Consultant (MD.C) is organizing a second CEE presentation webinar entitled: Energy saving certificates (CEE) in the rubber, plastics and composites industry.

Take part in our webinar to better understand these calls for projects and identify funding opportunities for your SME!

This info session intends to present the cascade funding opportunities in the scope of the POLREC project.

Max Dubois Consultant (MD.C) organizes a first CEE introduction webinar in partnership with POLYMERIS entitled: Introduction aux certificats d'économies d'energie (cee) dans l'industrie du caoutchouc, du plastique et des composites.

Polymeris and Auvalie Innovation organize a webinar on public funding schemes

Discover highlights and innovations in advanced materials

A webinar is offered to transcribe the trends observed at the show.

Explore the exciting possibilities of internationalizing your research and development (R&D) activities

Cascade financing: a winning European ticket for companies

Webinar of restitution is proposed in order to retranscribe the trends observed on the show

Pitch your expertise and meet European partners for the CBE-JU calls

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