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Suggestion of chemical and mechanical recycling service providers – POLREC
In the frame of POLREC Innovation Open Call, Polymeris, the project coordinator, has identified service-providers within its network offering services and R&D support to SMEs for the testing and development of mechanical and chemical recycling solutions for their plastic, rubber and composite waste. These companies, research institutions and technical centres have agreed to be included in this list of service-providers so that they can be contacted by SMEs as part of their applications to the POLREC Innovation Open call. The presentation of these calls for projects is available by clicking on this link.
You will find below the list of these structures with the contact details of the person in charge of the follow-up of requests related to POLREC Open call.
Mechanical Recycling
Proposed support/services: Atmos provides support for polymer, elastomer and thermoset recycling projects, drawing on over 20 years' expertise in grinding, washing, separation, compounding/formulation and micronisation (powder) techniques, whether for reuse in the company's own production processes or for reuse by third-party companies.
Contact: Alain MAUBERT
Environnement recycling
Proposed support/service: Environnement Recycling is a supplier of post-consumer recycled plastics (PCRs): ABS, PS and PP from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) processed at its site. The R&D department, with its characterisation laboratory, experienced staff and network of partners, is able to offer comprehensive support in the circular economy process linked to the recycling and integration of Raw materials from recycling (PRM).
Contact: Laura Paulini
Green Business and Consulting Company (GBCC)
Green Business and Consulting Company (GBCC) is an engineering company specialising in bio-based and recycled materials: processing by twin-screw extrusion (between 1 and 20 kg/h), film extrusion (1 to 5 kg/h), injection (5 to 90T press), thermoforming... and characterisation of materials (virgin/recycled) and finished products: thermal analyses (ATG, DSC, DMA), spectrometry (IRTF, UV), mechanical properties on specimens and films, rheology/rheometric, ageing tests....Our skills and tools enable us to support our partners across an extended value chain, from sourcing to finished products.
Contact: Laurent Massacrier ; ; CEO / Gérard Pichon ; ; Directeur Scientifique
Institut Français du Textile et de l’Habillement (IFTH)
Proposed support/services: study of recycling solutions for single or multi-material products (organic, mineral and natural synthetic fibres/fabrics/complexes from production off-cuts or at the end of their life cycle) using IFTH experts, its technical platforms and its network of partners. Thanks to the technologies of cutting, fraying, shaping (nonwovens, spinning, weaving, knitting and thermo-granulation), extrusion-compounding, extrusion-spinning of thermoplastics, possibly combined with the selective (chemical) separations available from its partners, IFTH offers services on a pilot and semi-industrial scale, in order to demonstrate the technical feasibility of recycling products from production off-cuts or at the end of their life cycle right up to the production of POCs or textile or plastic demonstrators.
Contact: Carole AUBRY-MENEVEAU / Axelle CHAMPION
Proposed support/service: Tests and studies of mechanical recycling by delamination of multi-material, multi-layer and composite waste: composites (glass and carbon), sporting goods (skis, tennis balls, etc.), coated automotive plastics, multi-layer packaging, etc.
Contact: Eric LOUVERT
MTB Recycling
Proposed support/service: How can you reduce the environmental impact of your products?
Contact: Esthel Osso
Support / service offered: Rescoll is a research and testing company specialising in polymer materials. We offer customised support to provide solutions tailored to our customers' needs, particularly in the field of recycling (characterisation of the recycled material to compare it with the initial material, physico-chemical, mechanical, surface and ageing stability characterisation, production of prototypes, compounding, etc.).
Contact: Marilys BLANCHY
Proposed support/service: REVIVAL offers several types of service in plastics and rubber recycling:
- R&D and production of elastomer and thermoplastic recycled materials from complex products (shoes, sneakers, boots, safety...), ASL (balls, inner tubes, fins...) and other products.
- Several technologies depending on the PRM (Raw materials from recycling) involved: grinding/separation for aggregate, followed by devulcanisation by extrusion in the case of homogeneous materials or stable mixtures (NR, BR, SBR, IIR, EPDM, NBR in small quantities, etc.) or micronisation for reincorporation into rubber mixtures or thermoplastic alloys (heterogeneous materials possible on stable deposits).
- Extrusion/compounding for thermoplastics (ABS, PP, PE, etc.) and thermoplastic elastomers (TPU, SBS, SEBS, etc.). PVC and neoprene are excluded.
Contact: Marie Soudré-Richard
Chemical recycling
Axel’One offers R&D services to support scale-up and POC validation, expertise in industrial catalysis and process chemistry, on-line analysis (characterisation of inputs and monitoring of the reaction medium), polymer transformation and shaping. Through the access to the PROPRE platform - run by IFPEN - Axel'One has direct access to shared equipment dedicated to chemical recycling on a scale of 7.5L to 200L, in batch or continuous process. Smaller-scale equipment (500cc-1L) is also available to validate proofs of concept for batch or continuous processes. We also work closely with the IMP on on-line analysis during reactive extrusion, also under extreme conditions such as supercritical CO2, as part of the Fluscritex platform in Saint Etienne.
Contact: Estelle DALOD
Proposed support/services: Carbios has developed an enzymatic recycling process capable of specifically depolymerising PET. The company is offering support to SMEs wishing to test their recycling process with a view to supplying their plant, which will be based in Longlaville (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Carbios is targeting waste volumes of at least 200 to 300 tonnes/year with a high PET content (85% minimum). The aim is to develop a long-term partnership.
Contact: Benjamin Rémy / Aurélie Gardarin
Tests to validate the recyclability of plastics or plastic blends using our patented ionic depolymerisation process. All resins combined (thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, multi-layers, halogenated, etc.). Depending on the results, we will propose a CT or MT partnership. CRYMIROTECH guarantees 100% material recovery.
Contact: Maxime Lépinay,
Proposed support/services: Polyloop offers support in developing laboratory recycling processes for multi-layer materials formulated with thermoplastics in particular. The material to be recycled must be shredded composite materials, for tests on a few kilos and then a batch of 300kg.
Contact: Gabriel Faysse
Proposed support/services: Recyc'Elit is interested in solving problems in recycling of complex materials. The start-up has developed a process for recycling all types of multilayer plastic materials based on polyester PET, as well as single or multi-material polyester textiles. The innovation enables complex materials to be separated from each other without altering their characteristics, and the polyester to be recovered in the form of its original monomers so that it can be returned to recycled plastic in an infinite cycle. Recyc'ELIT is currently able to carry out feasibility studies on a laboratory and multi-kilo (pilot) scale. An increase of capacity is planned for 2024.
Contact: Ayoub EL MAHDI