Polymeris, partner in the GreenSmartMed project

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Polymeris, partner of the GreenSmartMed project: Towards a green and resilient manufacturing value chain in European countries connected to the Mediterranean Sea (Interreg EURO-MED)

As a partner in the European GreenSmartMed project, Polymeris is proud to contribute to a major initiative aimed at fostering a greener, more resilient manufacturing value chain in the Mediterranean region. This project, which brings together 10 partners and 9 associates from different European countries, is designed to respond to today's sustainability challenges, while stimulating innovation and trans-regional cooperation.

The project aims to develop a methodology to foster trans-regional cooperation between 4HELIX players (companies, academics, public authorities and citizens) to promote innovation and sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean manufacturing industry. Focusing on strategic sectors such as textiles, plastics, agri-food, mobility and industrial machinery, GreenSmartMed aims to develop cross-regional collaborative R&D projects and propose a methodology for regional public administrations to support sustainable innovation.

Grâce à cette approche collaborative, GreenSmartMed entend promouvoir l'adoption des politiques de spécialisation intelligente (S3) et faciliter la transition des PME vers des pratiques plus durables. En soutenant la mise en œuvre des stratégies régionales RIS3, le projet aide les entreprises à transformer les défis environnementaux en opportunités de croissance, tout en favorisant l'innovation durable.

Through this collaborative approach, GreenSmartMed aims to promote the adoption of smart specialization (S3) policies and facilitate the transition of SMEs towards more sustainable practices. By supporting the implementation of regional RIS3 strategies, the project helps companies turn environmental challenges into growth opportunities, while promoting sustainable innovation.

In fact, the consortium will be meeting in Lyon on December 11 and 12, 2024, to organize the testing of the toolbox developed for companies, and thus launch the second phase of the project!
For more information on this project, please visit the official project website: https://greensmartmed.interreg-euro-med.eu/



adele.maillard@polymeris.fr ⁠

+33 (0)7 86 46 68 94

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