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Call for expression - Entrepreneurship, everything you need to know to pass all the tests
Polymeris offers you a free short online training course on the principles of entrepreneurship. This course was developed as part of a European project (CIRCVET) involving 12 partners, with the aim of providing the most comprehensive training possible in the circular economy.
Proposing a new product or service is often a journey fraught with pitfalls, and the context of the circular economy, with which all manufacturers are confronted, demands a rethinking of current business models. This module on entrepreneurship takes a comprehensive look at the fundamental principles of an innovation approach, so that in just a few hours you'll acquire the basics you need to get started in this process.
Training content :
- Presentation and definition of concepts related to entrepreneurship and innovation
- Introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation (definition of concepts)
- Understanding entrepreneurship
- Key concepts of systemic innovation and intrapreneurship
- Importance of innovation and entrepreneurship
- Development of new business models
- Identification and assessment of business opportunities
- Principles of market analysis (trends and regulations) and business model definition
- Technology transfer and intellectual property rights
- Introduction to technology transfer (concepts and practices)
- Copyrights, patents and the importance of intellectual property in entrepreneurship and innovation
Duration :
15h and 100% online at your own pace. You'll also be able to call on an expert to answer any questions you may have.
More infos :
CIRCVET will be present at the next Solution Providers' Day on the processing and integration of recycled raw materials, to be held on April 9 at Plastic Velay (Villette). Come and meet us to find out more.