The biobased chemistry and materials sector is booming. Expansion of biomass deposits, development of transformation processes or new bio-based products. The State, its operator ADEME, and the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine offer several tools to encourage and support innovations around these themes and support their industrialization.
ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Agri sud-ouest Innovation, Polymeris and Xylofutur clusters are organizing a webinar on March 9th from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. to allow you to discover in detail the different financing tools offered at the regional and national levels.
On the program:
- Intervention of the ADEME :
- Presentation of the Call for Projects on "Biobased Products and Industrial Biotechnologies" operated by ADEME and resulting from the Biobased Products and Sustainable Fuels acceleration strategy launched by the government as part of the France Recovery Plan and the Future Investments Program.
- Reminder of ADEME's R&D and Innovation support tools
- Intervention of the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine :
- Focus on the Innovation d'Avenir program, PIA 3 Innovation, which supports individual innovative business projects (SMEs and ETIs), in the feasibility or development phase, based on a clear vision of the market and including a reflection on the place of the human within the project.
Chemistry and bio-based materials are among the key sectors supported by the Region.
Time for discussion with each speaker will allow you to ask your questions about the support tools presented.
More informations : here