Medical progress is constant and permanent, surgeries are less intrusive, treatments are more adapted.
In this context, materials provide new and multiple possibilities in terms of design and manufacture of medical devices for which conformity must be controlled.
This is why, on the occasion of the Printemps de l'Innovation organised by the Pays de la Loire Region, the CTTM, Polymeris and Atlanpole Biotherapies we are organising a day to discuss the role of materials in the health sector.
Speakers will present the various initiatives of companies, clusters and technical centres to improve our health and contribute to risk prevention.
The morning will be devoted to presentations, the afternoon to business meetings.
- 9:10 am - Welcome of participants to the Webinar area
- 9.20 am - Launch of the morning and presentation of the CTTM (Wilfried LECLUSE, Arnaud COUDREUSE, CTTM)
- 9.30 am - Actions of the POLYMERIS cluster in the field of health. "Club Industriel : Matériaux et médical" Polymeris (Manon GUYADER, POLYMERIS)
- 9.50 am - CTTM and INSERM: Pharmacologically active microcarriers, a tool for cell therapy (Arnaud COUDREUSE, CTTM ; Claudia MONTEROMENEI, CRCINA-INSERM UMR1232)
- 10.10 am - Finding partners and financing your R&D projects: the role of the Atlanpole Biotherapies health cluster (Mineke FAURE EON, ATLANPOLE BIOTHERAPIES)
- 10.30 am -Break
- 10.35 am - Polymers and water purification for the health of all (Paul GUEROUX, FONTO DE VIVO)
- 10.55 am - Issues and problems in the injection of medical devices (Andrii ZAITSEV, CEMA TECHNOLOGIES)
- 11.15 am - Atlantic Bone Screen: Accelerator of preclinical development of biomaterials (Quitterie BROSSARD, ATLANTIC BONE SCREEN)
- 11.35 am - Mega Biopharma: Nature at the service of human (Serge and Georges CAMPRASSE, MEGA BIOPHARMA)
- 11.55 am - Closing (Wilfried LECLUSE, Arnaud COUDREUSE CTTM)
- 12.00 am - Lunch break
- From 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm - BtoB meetings with CTTM, Polymeris and Atlanpole Biotherapies to discuss your projects and technological needs, in complete confidentiality.
Registration To the Morning Session
Registration to the BtoB Meetings
Free but mandatory registration
Contact: Manon Guyader - +33 (0)6 88 13 00 78