QRM (Quick Response Manufacturing / Management) discovery roadshow

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  • QRM (Quick Response Manufacturing / Management) discovery roadshow


UIMM de l’Ain, 1 Bis allée des Tyrandes, 01960 Péronnas

Invitation to discover an innovative approach to improving your QCD in plastics processing and turning variability into a competitive advantage.

Polymeris and QRE invite you to a Technical Day dedicated to optimizing your QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery) in the polymer sector. It will be held at UIMM de l'Ain (1 Bis allée des Tyrandes, 01960 Péronnas) in partnership with Alliance Industrie du Futur and UIMM de l'Ain.


Our long experience in the plastics industry has shown us that customer requirements are becoming increasingly complex and demanding in terms of costs and lead times, and that we need to adapt quickly and constantly in order to provide the service we expect and to be competitive while improving lead times, both in development and in the industrialization of tooling (molds and equipment), and of course in production.
We operate in a constantly evolving environment, where everything is constantly changing, and customer demands are increasingly unpredictable and personalized. Everything is moving faster and faster, and deadlines are getting tighter and tighter!
This reality has a name: VICA (Volatile - Uncertain - Complex - Ambiguous).

The challenge for any organization is to adapt to variability and turn it into a competitive advantage for sustainable development. Here are 5 reasons to take an interest in QRM, Quick Response Management or Quick Response Manufacturing, to optimize the management of your innovative projects:

  • Une approche innovante qui révèle le potentiel des entreprises à travers la vision flux de son fonctionnement
  • Prendre l'avantage compétitif et concurrentiel
  • Réduire les délais drastiquement
  • Gagner en clients satisfaits et collaborateurs motivés
  • Dynamiser le projet d'entreprise, la créativité et l’engagement des collaborateurs
  • Améliorer les résultats quel que soit votre secteur d'activité

Who's it for?

Managers and CODIRs, Industrial, Production, Supply Chain, Planning, Continuous Improvement, Human Resources, Finance and anyone actively involved in continuous improvement.

By whom?

Thanks to the two facilitators who will lead this workshop, Dominique Andreux Founder and CEO of Qre and Qre partner Alain Canals , dive into the World of Flows, identify dysfunctions and transform them into strategic and operational performance.


  • Presentation of QRM and its pillars, managerial innovation (working methods)
  • Practical planning games, using the Polca method (combining capacity cards and Lego)
  • Experience feedback :
    • Cet atelier sera centré sur les problématiques rencontrées dans le monde de la plasturgie grâce à l’expérience de Alain CANALS.
      Plasturgiste depuis de nombreuses années, et ayant occupé des fonctions de direction industrielle et de R&D au sein de groupes internationaux, il a pu comprendre et mettre en œuvre tout l’intérêt et les avantages du QRM et notamment en ce qui concerne la réduction des délais, les gains de productivités et l’amélioration du service aux clients.
      Tellement convaincu, qu’il en est devenu lui-même ambassadeur et saura vous partager son expérience.


  • 1:30 pm: Welcome
  • 2:00 pm: Workshop
  • 5:30 pm: Networking and cocktail


Registration fee: €150


Organized by :




+33 (0)7 85 01 34 80

MALAQUIN Julie - Team Polymeris

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