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European ambition - Webinars
The second open call of AMULET - a European H2020 project of which Polymeris is coordinator - is open!
We will answer your questions on February 28 at 2pm. Until March 22, you have the opportunity to set up a consortium of 2 or 3 SMEs in order to find an answer to one of the 36 challenges proposed by principals on the basis of real current needs of the industry.
These challenges focus on lightweighting with the objective of decarbonizing companies. If your project is selected, your consortium could receive up to 120 000€.
Here are some examples of challenges:
- 1_A&A_PBC_LightAIRCRAFT - Optimization of the production of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy parts for light aircraft by the wet lay-up/vacuum bag process in order to obtain maximum mechanical performance (tensile strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus, etc.)
- 27_A&A_PBC_InjectModel - Development of flexible technology modules for injection molding machines and lines for the processing of fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (fiber composite plastics) into lightweight molded parts in automotive and aerospace applications.
- 29_A&A_PBC_GreenAircraft - Development of a new design of aircraft interiors from 100% recyclable sources, and more affordable technologies in terms of treatments and processes in order to promote the use of recycled carbon fiber for semi-structural applications.
- 10_AUTO_PBC_FRA-TP - Development of additives to provide fire resistance properties to continuous fiber thermoplastics in an electric car battery case application.
- 38_AUTO_PBC_SUSMA - Sustainable use of materials in the automotive industry through the development of a new coating technology that is easy to recycle. Search for a recycled or biosourced PP for this use with interesting aesthetic properties by applying a physical or chemical foaming.
Join our presentation webinar on February 28 at 2pm.
For any questions or additional information:
The project website: https://amulet-h2020.eu/