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On December 10, 2020, the parliamentary report Plastic pollution: a time bomb? was published by the MP Philippe Bolo and the Senator Angèle Préville. On behalf of the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices.
Is plastic pollution only linked to a bad management of the end of life of macro-waste? Are there not other forms of plastic pollution that are less visible but just as worrying? And if so, shouldn't we think differently about our strategy to combat plastic pollution, which is mainly focused on improving recycling? These are all questions to which the report attempts to provide answers, supported by the most recent scientific work.
Click here to read the report
In the wake of this report, the Institut des Transitions has taken up the subject and is organizing, in partnership with SUEZ, POLYMERIS, ADEME, FEDEREC, POLYVIA and CITEO, a morning of online exchanges and debates.
Program :
3 round tables, each lasting 1 hour, on the following themes
1.develop communication and awareness - 9 to 10 am
- Angèle Préville, Sénatrice du Lot
- Arnaud Leroy, Président de l’ADEME
- Jean Hornain, Directeur Général, CITEO
2. Promoting the circular economy: reduce, reuse, recycle - 10:15 to 11:15 am
- Jean-Marc Boursier, Directeur Général France, SUEZ
- Emmanuelle Perdrix, Présidente, POLYVIA
3. The brakes and levers of innovation from 11:30 to 12:30
- Philippe Bolo, Député de Maine-et-Loire
- Manuel Burnand, Directeur Général de la FEDEREC
- Joël Viry, Président de POLYMERIS
An event to be found here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5cD2P5PcSc
A solution-oriented event, open to all
Chaired by the two parliamentarians, who wish to continue their commitment to this theme, the morning of exchanges and debates will extend the information process initiated by the report. By continuing the dialogue with experts from the relevant sectors, this first webinar will enable professionals to exchange their views on current issues, but also to highlight proposals, whether technological, behavioral or regulatory.
A solution-oriented event, aimed at professionals in the sector, as well as all those who want to learn about the challenges of the circular economy and topics related to the economy of plastic materials.