The competitiveness clusters present in Clermont-Ferrand, the CCI with Enterprise Europe Network and the central services of the UCAA invite you to a workshop on European funding: how to hang up my project with a European call for projects, how to co-finance my collaborative innovation thanks to the European Commission with high rates of co-financing?
The new Horizon Europe 2021-2027 framework program offers a wealth of opportunities in all technological fields. Aimed at an audience of academics and industrialists wishing to bring out short or medium-term projects, this workshop will present the Horizon Europe program, the types of calls for projects according to your organization and your ambition, in particular innovative SMEs and finally the support offer in Clermont-Ferrand. You will then be able to study more specific innovation topics in smaller committees and thus prepare yourself to respond as best as possible to calls for projects.
The provisional program:
- Introduction to Horizon Europe
- Presentation of your companions
- Thematic workshops (in small groups):
- European Innovation Council - Pathfinder, Transition, Accelerator
- Autonomous connected mobility, batteries
- Smart manufacturing and materials (bio-sourced
Contact : Pascaline PATUREAU
Mail : pascaline.patureau@polymeris.fr
Phone: +33 (0)6 31 31 04 50