CFCP, 60 rue Auber 94408 Vitry-sur-Seine
Register to the "Vulcanization Fumes, Regulations, Measurement and Treatment" day organized on May 12th by Polymeris in partnership with the CFPC and the LRCCP.
Vulcanization fumes are an inherent part of the vulcanization process. They can be generated by VOCs from additives introduced into the mixtures (plasticizers, processing agents, etc.) or by volatile reaction compounds generated in particular by the vulcanization systems.
How to identify them, dose them, treat them? What is the status of the regulations in this area?
In order to provide some answers to these questions, Polymeris and the LRCCP are organizing an Industrial Efficiency Day on May 12, 2022 at the CFCP, in Vitry sur Seine (94).
During this day, the speakers will review the current regulations and good manufacturing practices to limit these emissions. Secondly, solution providers will present their know-how in the field of diagnosis, measurement and characterization of emissions, ventilation, capture and treatment of vulcanization fumes.
This seminar is mainly aimed at SMEs in the rubber and polymer industry, and more particularly at laboratory and production managers as well as HSE managers.
Rates: 100€ HT for members, 200€ HT for non-members
Event date and location:
May 12th 2022, at the CFCP, 60 rue Auber 94408 Vitry-sur-Seine
Martin PAJOT
+33 (0)7 88 05 08 60
+33 (0)6 85 94 65 31