CEA Tech 28 Gustave Eiffel, 33600 Pessac
You are a manager, a production manager, or looking for actions to improve your productivity? Take part in our industrial efficiency day on ROBOTICS and COBOTICS, led by robot integrators and manufacturers selected to meet the needs of SMEs in the sector.
Robotics represents today an essential ally of the industrial sector in France to increase the productivity of manufacturing entities, to carry out dangerous and/or repetitive tasks, to stabilize a production process... Today, the variety of robots (polyarticulated, collaborative...) and their acquisition costs offer multiple potentials adapted to all types of activities.
To see more clearly and help you to set up improvement actions, the floor will be given to experts: robot manufacturers and integrators. This event aims to present the possibilities corresponding to the needs of SMEs in our industry.
During this day, solution providers will speak in two formats:
- A pitch
- A booth/demonstrator area to encourage direct exchanges.
At the end of the day, we propose a visit of the Robotics Platform of CEA Tech Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Date and location of the event:
March 29 at CEA Tech Nouvelle-Aquitaine (28 Avenue Gustave Eiffel, 33600 Pessac).
Interventions from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm with a lunch break.
At 3:30 pm, a visit of the CEA Tech Nouvelle-Aquitaine Robotics Platform is planned.
+33 (0)6 42 64 42 79