This info session intends to present the cascade funding opportunities in the scope of the POLREC project.
The POLREC Innovation cascade-funding open calls will be published on the 1rst of September and offers to SMEs funding to test mechanical recycling and chemical recycling solutions of their polymer waste as well as digital tools to reinforce the traceability of recycled polymers. This webinar organised by the POLREC’s partners aims to present the project and the up-coming Innovation Open calls to all European SME interested in applying for funding.
POLREC is an EU project coordinated by Polymeris involving CENTIMFE, MAV Cluster, Plast Center Denmark and Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn. It is funded by the European Commission Joint Cluster’s Initiative for Europe’s recovery (Euroclusters) under the Single Market Program (SMP COSME) grant agreement number 101074434
Partenaires du projet :