Easily identify your future partners
France Innovation Santé-Cosmétique-Agro Meetings is a day of BtoB meetings and webinars highlighting the latest innovative solutions and technological developments.
Optimize time & R.O.I.
A day 100% Online reuniting key actors industry, decision makers public and private, startups, PME/ETI innovantes, acteurs du conseil et de l'accompagnement en innovation, institutions publiques/privées. rendez-vous d'affaires qualified and programmed.
Are you an industrial technology professional looking to showcase your innovations or discover new trends?
- Meet your future partners: decision-makers looking for innovative solutions to turn their projects into reality!
- Introduce your solutions/technologies to all participants
- Make yourself known to our community
Are you looking for innovative ways to complete your projects and stay competitive?
- Find innovative solutions for your projects
- Meet new suppliers/service providers
- Ensure your competitiveness by keeping abreast of the latest innovations
- Benefit from market, sector and technological insights