Eurexpo Lyon, Bd de l'Europe, 69680 Chassieu
Polymeris is a partner of the FIP 2024.
Come and meet us on stand G17-F20.
A flagship event and benchmark for the entire industry, the FIP show brings together all the players involved to promote the performance of a high-tech, competitive and responsible plastics industry, with over 10,000 visitors and 800 exhibitors.
Offering a global vision of the latest market changes, FIP is the privileged meeting point for those shaping tomorrow's world. The next edition of FIP will take place from June 4 to 7, 2024.
Learning expedition
From the Polymeris stand, take part in learning expeditions focusing on four areas of innovation:
- Tuesday, June 4, 3 to 4:30 p.m. - Sports and Leisure
- Wednesday June 5 from 11am to 12:30pm - Transport
- Thursday June 6 from 11am to 12:30pm - Medical
- Friday June 7 from 11am to 12:30pm - Packaging
Cocktail Polymeris
We invite you to join us at a cocktail party organized by Polymeris on Tuesday June 4, starting at 12:30 pm.
Polymeris Annual General Meeting
The Polymeris Chairman and Board of Directors are taking advantage of the FIP, an important event for our ecosystem in Lyon, to invite all members to the cluster's Ordinary General Meeting on :
Tuesday June 4, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 11 pm at Groupama Stadium - 10 Av. Simone Veil, 69150 Décines-Charpieu (shuttles from the FIP will be provided).
Polymeris and its members:
Come and meet Polymeris members on stand G17-F20
1.08 General Industrie:
1.08 RECYCLAGE is located in Blyes (01). Created in 2019, this production plant is a subsidiary of GENERAL INDUSTRIES, an international trading company that has been recycling and recovering plastic waste and factory scrap for 35 years. On the same site, 1.08 RECYCLAGE is equipped with a flotation line, a triboelectricity line and three extrusion lines. Thanks to these high-performance industrial tools, combined with GENERAL INDUSTRIES' experience and knowledge of the plastics market, over 7,000 tonnes/year of PS, ABS and PP from WEEE are sorted and transformed into granules. The commitment, participation and ecological impact of 1.08 RECYCLAGE are of major importance for tomorrow's world!
CVS Partner (ex Alain Guelpa Concept) :
GENEOMAT is an innovation and R&D consultancy specializing in materials, recycling and packaging engineering. We support companies, manufacturers and start-ups in the development of new concepts and innovative products, and can intervene at every stage: from reflection to realization (diagnosis, orientation, prototyping, implementation, industrialization, valorization...). Projects are managed with a quality approach, guaranteeing a sustainable development approach to limit environmental impact (LCA, Bilan Carbone). GENEOMAT has been working for many years on the recycling of materials, and more particularly on the decontamination of VOCs and odors from recycled materials to optimize their reintegration into new materials. InPPURPlast makes it possible to offer ready-to-use compounds on a thermoplastic base (PP,PE) with recycled rubbers that can come from tire dismantling...
Lab Plastics:
Platform CANOE:
CANOE is an R&D center specializing in formulation and manufacturing processes for the development of finished and semi-finished products in the field of composites and advanced materials. Our aim is to help companies develop new products and processes in response to industrial needs.
Depuis plus de 10 ans, SEDEM donne une seconde vie aux déchets plastiques post-consommation et post-industriels. Collecte, recyclage, qualification et réintégration d'une part toujours plus importante de déchets plastiques pour une meilleure économie circulaire. SEDEM est en mesure d'offrir une solution qualifiée et globale. Travailler ensemble pour une économie plus verte !
Avec un demi-siècle d’expérience dans la transformation de polymers, le Groupe Velfor vous accompagne dans la réalisation de vos projets faisant appel au thermoformage, à la soudure haute-fréquence, à l’injection et/ou au conditionnement. Nos 7 filiales, toutes situées en France, sont spécialistes dans leur domaine d’application. Nous vous proposons des solutions innovantes pour répondre à vos besoins, tout en apportant des fonctionnalités et de la valeur ajoutée aux produits avec notre pôle design et nos bureaux d’études intégrés. Nous vous offrons une prestation clé en main et un accompagnement de A à Z : conception, design, industrialisation, réalisation de sous-ensembles, assemblage, accessoirisation, conditionnement des produits finis et livraison.