Les Villettes
13 Rue Grand Croix, 43600 Les Villettes
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Patrick VUILLERMOZ, General Manager of Polymeris is pleased to invite you to the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of Plastic Velay which will be held on: Thursday, April 27, 2023 at Les Villettes from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
We will have the pleasure to present you the success stories of the industrialists of the Haute-Loire!
- 4:00 - 4:10 pm: Welcome of the participants
- 4:10 - 4:20 pm: Word Patrick VUILLERMOZ General Manager Polymeris
- 4:20 - 4:30 pm: Word from Mr. Fabrice BONICEL, Prefect of Haute-Loire
- 4:30 - 4:40 pm: IPC "Plasct HL Project
- 4:40 - 4:50 pm: Lab Plastics/Enky 3DP "Recycling is also innovating
- 4:50 - 5:00 pm: Guerin Plastiques "Orplast, modernization of the industrial tool in view of integrating recycled materials or PCR".
- 5:00 - 5:10 pm: Leygatech "Flexible packaging for the circular economy
- 5:10 - 5:20 pm: 3P Profil "From milk cartons to urban development
- 5:20 - 5:30 pm: "TOTOOM a low-carbon mobility shared for business trips
- 5:30 - 6:00 pm: Cocktail
Infos pratiques :
Merci de confirmer votre présence : ici
ou à Déhollin HOLLAT : 07 58 39 97 69 / plasticvelay@polymeris.fr