Organisé par le pôle de compétitivité Polymeris et le cluster irlandais des industries manufacturières ATIM, ce webinaire explore les enjeux liés au recyclage durable des plastiques médicaux. Les normes strictes de sécurité, de stérilité et de qualité propres aux applications médicales imposent des défis uniques à la circularisation et le recyclage des plastiques utilisés. Pour y répondre, une collaboration étroite de tous les acteurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement est indispensable : fabricants, professionnels de la santé, régulateurs et experts en recyclage.
Rejoignez-nous lors de ce webinaire pour découvrir le contexte et les objectifs d’études menées en France et en Irlande sur les voies de valorisation du plastique en santé. Nos experts partageront leurs recherches et projets en cours, identifieront les défis à relever afin d’explorer les opportunités de partenariat entre nos deux pays pour surmonter ce défi commun.
Programme :
- Introduction de la session - Caitríona Mordan, Directrice du cluster ATIM
- Circularisation des plastiques de laboratoire à usage unique - contexte irlandais : étude de cas, défis et opportunités - Dr. Noel Gately, Applied Polymer Technology (APT)
- Préparation d'EVAPLUS : une étude sur le recyclage et la valorisation des plastiques usagés dans le secteur de la santé en France - Dr Nicolas Longhitano, Chargé de mission Innovation, Polymeris
- Session de Questions/réponses
- Opportunités de financement POLREC pour la participation à des salons sur le recyclage des plastiques - Roxane Girard, Chargée de mission interclustering et services européens - Polymeris
- Opportunités de collaboration et d'engagement en Irlande - Caitríona Mordan, ATIM Cluster
Speaker Bios:
Dr. Noel Gately
Dr. Gately is the Centre manager at the Applied Polymer Technologies (APT) Gateway, which is hosted at the Polymer, Recycling, Industrial, Sustainability and Manufacturing Research Institute (PRISM) in the Technological University of the Shannon. The APT Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27.
Leading Applied Polymer Technologies in industrial applied research, the gateway is consistently a top performing centre in the Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway programme. Dr Gately’s role is to drive industrially steered strategic research, building on key niche capacities to develop next generation plastics and raising TUS profile as a pivotal stakeholder in Ireland’s high performing polymer economy. Dr. Gately holds a first-class honours degree in Toxicology and completed his PhD in Polymer science. Dr. Gately has over 14 years industrial experience in various industries including the polymer, electrical switchgear industry and medical device industries. He has led the completion of a €5.5million dedicated polymer building and infrastructure development within TUS and coordinated the funding of €5.2 Million of cutting-edge equipment through the Enterprise Ireland Capital call as well as a leading role in a €2.67M DTIF funding for next generation Ostomy care products. He has contributed to 20+ research articles, 1 book chapter and 3 patents.
Dr Nicolas Longhitano, Innovation manager, Polymeris
After graduating with a specialization in Polymer Science from ECPM in Strasbourg, Nicholas earned a PhD in Polymer Chemistry through a collaboration between LCPO in Bordeaux and Saint-Gobain. His research focused on developing novel bio-based and non-toxic binders for housing and composite materials. Following his tenure as a resin designer at Resicare, which develops and markets high-performance resins dedicated to industrial applications, he joined the Polymeris cluster team in 2022, as Innovation Manager. He is in charge of the Pays de la Loire regional ecosystem.
Ce webinaire aura lieu en anglais.